Museum «Likhvin Antiquity»





30 calendar days (30 days) were provided for by the state contract for the implementation of the permanent museum exhibition «Likhvin Antiquity», Chekalin, Tula Region.

Without a break, we win this tender.

The Tula region has become the small homeland of a new museum direction for us. We were already familiar with the leadership of the region, but we had to get acquainted with the creative units (expert group).

Our team has passed the test of endurance and communication skills with dignity.

We have developed, agreed upon, created, delivered and installed more than 40 complex display, exhibition and multimedia complexes. Also, construction and repair work was carried out in a number of premises.

Creation of a permanent museum exhibition «Likhvin Antiquity» in 30 days - ready!

Museum implementation: April-March 2021

Official opening: March 2021